Public Law & Administrative Law

Dave Barton

Dave Barton

David also accepts briefs in criminal and insurance law matters. Before coming to the Victorian Bar, David was a senior investigator at the Victorian Ombudsman and NSW Ombudsman. His high-profile investigations included Operation Prospect (NSW), the Labor “redshirts” matter, public interest disclosures concerning local Councils and a joint investigation with the Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission. …

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Daniel Cole

Daniel Cole

“You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions”: Naguib Mahfouz “When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, mediate”: [apologies to Al Gore] …

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Christopher Jensen

Christopher Jensen

Chris accepts briefs in commercial, personal injuries, and administrative law. He has litigated claims in the Magistrate’s, County and Supreme Courts and also regularly appears in tribunals including the AAT and VCAT.  He has acted for clients in a range of commercial disputes, including insurance, contracts, property, building and transport matters.  With respect to personal …

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Cahal Fairfield

Cahal Fairfield

Cahal is the holder of an Indictable Crime Certificate and is on the Criminal Trial Preferred Barrister List of Victoria Legal Aid.  He is a member of the Criminal, Migration and Industrial Bar Associations.  He has appeared in many trials, hearings and appeals in both the State and Federal courts and tribunals.  He has also …

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Brian Lacy

He was appointed as a Presidential Member of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission in 2001. He resigned his commission in 2009 at which time he was commissioned for a period of two years as Administrator for Christmas Island and Administrator for the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. His commissions were extended by one year after which he …

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Andrew Barnett

Andrew Barnett

He regularly appears as defence counsel and also to prosecute criminal trials for the State and Commonwealth as well as various statutory bodies in Melbourne and Adelaide. He regularly appears in the Magistrates Court for pleas, contests and committals including traffic offences and intervention orders. He also accepts briefs in relation to disciplinary proceedings and …

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Andrew Imrie

Andrew Imrie

His briefs generally involve some aspect of public or criminal law. He is equally comfortable and experienced working alone or as part of a team of lawyers. He has conducted many complex proceedings unled as well as working successfully with many of Australia’s most prominent silks. He has a strong paperwork practice and is regularly …

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Amanda Wynne

Amanda Wynne

Amanda began her working life as a registered nurse and midwife specialising in intensive care/coronary care work and later as a maternal and child health nurse in the community. As a result, Amanda brings a broad life experience to her legal practice. Amanda was admitted to practice in 2001 after completing her articles of clerkship …

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Thomas Keely SC

Thomas Keely SC

Employed by Maddens Lawyers (formerly D. Madden & Co), Solicitors of Warrnambool, Victoria from March 1978 to December 1980, initially as an articled clerk and, after admission, as a solicitor. He is a member of the Victorian Bar since 1 March 1981 and have since practised continuously as a barrister, save for the period from …

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David Gilbertson QC

David Gilbertson KC

His corporations law practice includes market-related matters, such as insider trading and market manipulation, and schemes of arrangement. David Gilbertson has an extensive practice in media and defamation law. As well as plaintiffs, he has acted for most of the large media outlets and several book publishers in Australia. Liability limited by a scheme approved …

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