
Stephen K Chambers

Steve is available to be booked in all areas of family violence, including intervention orders and associated criminal and family law matters. He has appeared extensively throughout Victoria, predominately in the Magistrates and County Courts, building extensive working relationships leveraged to achieve client focused outcomes utilising pragmatic, highly effective advocacy. Member Criminal Bar Association / Family …

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Veronika Drago

Veronika Drago

Veronika accepts briefs in all criminal matters and appears in all jurisdictions. Prior to being called to the Bar, Veronika worked as a solicitor advocate in criminal law in private practice at Doogue & O’Brien (now Doogue + George) and Slater and Gordon. She also worked as a solicitor advocate at the Aboriginal and Torres …

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Nigel Leslie

Nigel Leslie

Since coming to the Bar, Nigel has appeared in the Magistrate’s Court, the County Court, and the Federal Magistrate’s Court, as well as the Court of Appeal as junior counsel. He has also appeared at Arbitrations and VOCAT.

Gregory Buchhorn

Gregory Buchhorn

Before coming to the Bar, Greg was Senior Associate to the Honourable Justice Maxwell AC, President of the Victorian Court of Appeal. Greg read with Graeme Hill and his senior mentor was Claire Harris QC. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

David Mence

David Mence

Prior to being called to the Bar, David was an associate at the Supreme Court of Victoria, firstly to Redlich JA in the Court of Appeal and then to Incerti J (formerly Zammit J) in the Trial Division. Before that, David was an academic at the University of Melbourne, where he taught in the Faculty …

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