Insurance Law

Mark Purvis

Mark Purvis

Within the insurance field, Mark has built a strong practice in complex fraud matters, particularly in relation to motor vehicles, but also in arson and burglary cases. Mark has also appeared in numerous general negligence matters, from motor vehicle collisions to high value mechanical equipment failures. He has acted successfully both for and against property …

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John O’Halloran

John O’Halloran

John is regularly briefed to appear and advise in all Victorian courts and tribunals. His instructors recognise the value of his strategic advice, rigorous attention to detail, and ability to empower clients to make good decisions in litigation. NOTABLE MATTERS & EXPERTISE: Some of John’s notable matters since coming to the Bar have included work in: …

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David Kelsey-Sugg

David Kelsey-Sugg

Some recent matters in which David has been involved include: Superannuation and Insurance Edser v QSuper Board [2021] FCA 1437 (unled, opposed to K F Holyoak and A R Di Stefano) Edser v QSuper Board (Costs) [2022] FCA 233 (unled, opposed to K F Holyoak and A R Di Stefano) Hall v Suncorp Portfolio Services Ltd & Asteron Life and …

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David Mence

David Mence

Prior to being called to the Bar, David was an associate at the Supreme Court of Victoria, firstly to Redlich JA in the Court of Appeal and then to Incerti J (formerly Zammit J) in the Trial Division. Before that, David was an academic at the University of Melbourne, where he taught in the Faculty …

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Dave Barton

Dave Barton

David also accepts briefs in criminal and insurance law matters. Before coming to the Victorian Bar, David was a senior investigator at the Victorian Ombudsman and NSW Ombudsman. His high-profile investigations included Operation Prospect (NSW), the Labor “redshirts” matter, public interest disclosures concerning local Councils and a joint investigation with the Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission. …

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Daniel Cole

Daniel Cole

“You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions”: Naguib Mahfouz “When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, mediate”: [apologies to Al Gore] …

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Christopher Jensen

Christopher Jensen

Chris accepts briefs in commercial, personal injuries, and administrative law. He has litigated claims in the Magistrate’s, County and Supreme Courts and also regularly appears in tribunals including the AAT and VCAT.  He has acted for clients in a range of commercial disputes, including insurance, contracts, property, building and transport matters.  With respect to personal …

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Bradley Wright

Bradley Wright

Brad takes direct briefs from corporate and in house counsel.

Andrew Laird

Andrew Laird

He specialises in technology, construction and engineering disputes and related litigation (including professional indemnity claims) in State and Federal jurisdictions. Mr Laird has embraced the move to paperless litigation in order to service instructing solicitors and clients cost effectively, efficiently and quickly. Needless to say, this is particularly important in the current COVID-19 impacted environment. …

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Francis Tiernan

Francis Tiernan KC

He also acts in general contractual disputes, trade practices, product liability cases and major torts. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

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