Inquests, Inquiries, Tribunals & Commissions

Catherine Jones Williams

Background: Catherine brings a wealth of experience to her practice, including the experience of working closely with senior members of the bar, including Senior and Kings Counsel.  Prior to joining the Bar, Catherine provided specialist litigation support to Ruth Shann (now SC) and Neil Clelland KC in the successful defence of two significant regulatory prosecutions …

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Michael Reardon

Michael has a broad civil and criminal practice, advising and appearing at trial and appellate level. His civil practice focuses on insurance litigation, building and construction, probate and Part IV proceedings. He has also appeared as counsel in judicial review applications, confiscation proceedings and coronial inquests. Michael’s criminal and regulatory experience spans the full spectrum …

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Veronika Drago

Veronika Drago

Veronika accepts briefs in all criminal matters and appears in all jurisdictions. Prior to being called to the Bar, Veronika worked as a solicitor advocate in criminal law in private practice at Doogue & O’Brien (now Doogue + George) and Slater and Gordon. She also worked as a solicitor advocate at the Aboriginal and Torres …

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Anthony O’Donoghue

Anthony O’Donoghue

He specialises in bankruptcy and administrative law, particularly Commonwealth administrative law, including migration law.

Samantha Renwick

Samantha Renwick

Samantha has completed the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency Course on Cultural Competency in Working with Aboriginal Families within the Court System. Samantha has also been a Teaching Associate at Monash University Law School, in addition to her practice. Samantha read with Ms Elizabeth M Brimer S.C., as Her Honour then was, and her senior …

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Rolf Sorensen

Rolf Sorensen

He also practices in industrial law and administrative law more generally as well as appearing in a range of commercial and criminal matters. Rolf is a reporter for the Victorian Reports and has written Head-Notes for cases involving wide-ranging areas of law, including Statutory Interpretation, Human Rights, Negligence (Workplace, Professional, Etc), Occupational Health&Safety, Accident Compensation, …

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Robert Shepherd

Robert Shepherd

Robert brings to his clients the experience of 34 years of full time practice in the conduct of cases in Courts, Tribunals and in mediation. His pre and post litigation advice and attention to detail in his written work, has resulted in many matters being resolved before and after litigation. He has a busy practice …

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Nick Doukas

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

Nicholas Bird

Nicholas Bird

Prior to coming to the Bar, Nicholas worked as a policy adviser to the Victorian Government. In particular, he advised on regulatory issues affecting small businesses in Victoria. He also previously worked as a consultant with PwC Australia. Nicholas completed degrees in Arts and in Law at Monash University. He also completed a Master of …

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