Family Law

Reiko Okazaki

She regularly appears in civil, criminal and administrative law matters at all levels and in a number of different jurisdictions such as the Magistrates Court, County Court, Supreme Court, Federal Circuit Court, Children’s Court, and VCAT. She advises in matters including insurance claims, professional negligence and contractual disputes, among others. Prior to being called to …

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Nick Doukas

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

Oliver Scoullar-Greig

Oliver has a particular interest in international disputes (including international arbitration) working between Melbourne and London with such clients as British American Tobacco, National Australia Bank (Europe), Royal Bank of Scotland and Grant Thornton LLP.

Nigel Leslie

Nigel Leslie

Since coming to the Bar, Nigel has appeared in the Magistrate’s Court, the County Court, and the Federal Magistrate’s Court, as well as the Court of Appeal as junior counsel. He has also appeared at Arbitrations and VOCAT.

Nicholas Bird

Nicholas Bird

Prior to coming to the Bar, Nicholas worked as a policy adviser to the Victorian Government. In particular, he advised on regulatory issues affecting small businesses in Victoria. He also previously worked as a consultant with PwC Australia. Nicholas completed degrees in Arts and in Law at Monash University. He also completed a Master of …

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Natalie Vogel


Natalie Sheridan-Smith

Natalie Sheridan-Smith

Natalie has a busy advocacy practice in a range of contested and complex indictable crime, summary crime, family and Children’s Court Family Division matters.

Michelle Wilson

Michelle Wilson

Michelle has a broad practice which focusses on litigation in various courts and tribunals, including superior and appellant courts, including: Supreme Court of Victoria Appeals from the Children’s Court of Victoria, Family Division on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services (Child Protection). Matters arising under the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be …

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Michael Sanger

Michael Sanger

Read with A. A. Nolan QC. His practice has an emphasis on corporate insolvency, bankruptcy, other unsecured enforcement, including demand or notice set aside proceedings,oppression actions, preference recovery, public examinations, and registration and enforcement of foreign judgments or arbitral awards. He also appears as a generalist in most other areas including, family property, summary crime …

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Matthew Weinman

Matthew Weinman

He is available to appear in all courts and jurisdictions in Victoria and accepts interstate briefs. While at the Bar, Matthew has regularly appeared in a broad range of applications, contraventions, appeals and contested summary and indictable matters involving drug, violence, sexual, driving and property offences. He is well-versed in matters of evidence, sentencing and …

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