Equity & Trusts

Marian C Clarkin

Outside of court, Marian also regularly represents clients to negotiate settlements and participate in mediations, as well as drafting and settling documents and providing advice. Marian has a broad practice, which often involves complex matters where many areas of the law overlap and there are multiple related proceedings on foot. Marian practises in the areas …

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Kumar Kappadath

Kumar is conversant with the law relating to taxation of costs. He regularly appears at all levels of State and Federal Courts and the VCAT. Kumar’s specific advisory and interest areas include Board Representation, and inbound and outbound cross-border transactions between Australia and India.

Kim Cullen

Kim Cullen

Kim has a broad range of experience appearing in contested matters in the Federal Circuit Court, the County Court, the Supreme Court, VCAT, the Magistrates’ Court, and the Children’s Court. Prior to being called to the Bar, Kim worked with the Department of Health and Human Services as a solicitor on the corporate team. She …

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John O’Halloran

John O’Halloran

John is regularly briefed to appear and advise in all Victorian courts and tribunals. His instructors recognise the value of his strategic advice, rigorous attention to detail, and ability to empower clients to make good decisions in litigation. NOTABLE MATTERS & EXPERTISE: Some of John’s notable matters since coming to the Bar have included work in: …

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James Kewley

James Kewley

Trial Counsel James considers himself primarily a trial counsel. In recent years James’ practice has consisted primarily of conducting Supreme Court and Federal Court commercial litigation briefed by both large Melbourne and Sydney firms and smaller legal practices in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. In earlier years, James conducted numerous hearings in the Magistrates’ …

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Jacob Fronistas O.A.M.

Jacob Fronistas O.A.M.

He has also appeared in the Family Court of Australia in cases involving property, children, child support and other related matters. He also done numerous Intervention Order cases, including breaches of Intervention Orders. Jacob has a Physiology major as part of his Science degree and also studied Medical Law and Biomedical Ethics and the Law …

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Dr. Vicky Priskich

Vicky practices as a barrister and arbitrator. She acts in commercial and trust disputes and has appeared in banking and finance and insolvency disputes in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Vicky is a National Councillor of the Australian Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and a Fellow of CIArb. She is co-author of …

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Hugh Fraser

From 01 July 2008, liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

Gregory Buchhorn

Gregory Buchhorn

Before coming to the Bar, Greg was Senior Associate to the Honourable Justice Maxwell AC, President of the Victorian Court of Appeal. Greg read with Graeme Hill and his senior mentor was Claire Harris QC. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

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