
Chris Twidale

Chris Twidale

For further information please view Chris’ website. From 15 June 2012, liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

Christopher Thomson

Christopher Thomson

He practices extensively in Personal Injury actions (transport, industrial and general accidents) in all jurisdictions: Magistrates, County and Supreme Courts, VCAT and AAT, and both in Melbourne and on circuit. Counsel prepares and runs serious injury applications as well as trials and mediations. Christopher has extensive experience in the Medical Negligence and defamation fields. He …

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David Gilbertson QC

David Gilbertson KC

His corporations law practice includes market-related matters, such as insider trading and market manipulation, and schemes of arrangement. David Gilbertson has an extensive practice in media and defamation law. As well as plaintiffs, he has acted for most of the large media outlets and several book publishers in Australia. Liability limited by a scheme approved …

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