Criminal Law

Steven Anger

He holds an Indictable Crime Certificate and is recognised by Victoria Legal Aid Criminal Trial Preferred Counsel List. While initially practising in industrial law, his dominant area of practice is criminal law. He took leave of the Bar from 1992 – 1994 to work as an appeals counsellor with the United Nations High Commissioner for …

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Simone Jacobson

Simone Jacobson

Insolvency Taxation Proceeds of Crime Trusts & Superannuation & Financial Services Debt Recovery work & damages claims Administrative Law/FOI Professional negligence Media

Samantha Renwick

Samantha Renwick

Samantha has completed the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency Course on Cultural Competency in Working with Aboriginal Families within the Court System. Samantha has also been a Teaching Associate at Monash University Law School, in addition to her practice. Samantha read with Ms Elizabeth M Brimer S.C., as Her Honour then was, and her senior …

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Royce Deckker

Royce Deckker

Royce specialises in intervention orders and is very experienced in all aspects of intervention orders, both family violence and personal safety. He has been involved in a very large number of contested intervention orders over the last few years and has had a lot of success in both defending and applying for orders. A large …

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Rolf Sorensen

Rolf Sorensen

He also practices in industrial law and administrative law more generally as well as appearing in a range of commercial and criminal matters. Rolf is a reporter for the Victorian Reports and has written Head-Notes for cases involving wide-ranging areas of law, including Statutory Interpretation, Human Rights, Negligence (Workplace, Professional, Etc), Occupational Health&Safety, Accident Compensation, …

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Richard Lawson

Richard Lawson

Richard was married in 1991, has a toy poodle, and plays the piano.

Reiko Okazaki

She regularly appears in civil, criminal and administrative law matters at all levels and in a number of different jurisdictions such as the Magistrates Court, County Court, Supreme Court, Federal Circuit Court, Children’s Court, and VCAT. She advises in matters including insurance claims, professional negligence and contractual disputes, among others. Prior to being called to …

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Ramon Fowler

Ramon Fowler

He accepts briefs from plaintiffs and defendants. He also accepts briefs for criminal law matters. Prior to coming to the Bar, Ramon worked as a solicitor at Maddocks Lawyers and Coulter Roache Lawyers, practising in litigation and property law. He is reading with Matthew Walsh. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

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