Coronial Inquests

Michelle Wilson

Michelle Wilson

Michelle has a broad practice which focusses on litigation in various courts and tribunals, including superior and appellant courts, including: Supreme Court of Victoria Appeals from the Children’s Court of Victoria, Family Division on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services (Child Protection). Matters arising under the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be …

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James Portelli

James regularly appears in trials involving serious sexual offences, serious assaults, property, fraud and drug offences in the County Court.  Before coming to the Bar, James was a criminal solicitor at the Office of Public Prosecutions. Prior to this, James was associate to his Honour Judge Ryan at the County Court. He commenced his career working at a …

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Jacob Fronistas O.A.M.

Jacob Fronistas O.A.M.

He has also appeared in the Family Court of Australia in cases involving property, children, child support and other related matters. He also done numerous Intervention Order cases, including breaches of Intervention Orders. Jacob has a Physiology major as part of his Science degree and also studied Medical Law and Biomedical Ethics and the Law …

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Gregory Buchhorn

Gregory Buchhorn

Before coming to the Bar, Greg was Senior Associate to the Honourable Justice Maxwell AC, President of the Victorian Court of Appeal. Greg read with Graeme Hill and his senior mentor was Claire Harris QC. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

Georgia McMaster

Georgia McMaster

A barrister specialising in criminal jury trials and appeals for almost twenty years, (primarily briefed by the Crown). Other briefs include conducting matters on behalf of AHPRA, duty lawyer work before the Mental Health Review Tribunal, counsel assisting / legal member in various matters such as Teacher’s Registration Board investigations, legal practitioner complaint boards, and …

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Dr. Angela O’Brien

Dr. Angela O’Brien

Angela joined the Bar after 24 years as an academic in the creative arts area. Angela has a particular interest in ADR. She is a graded arbitrator with the Resolutions Institute and was formerly an elected member of the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators National Council 2004 – 2010 and President in 2008/9. She has …

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Andrew Imrie

Andrew Imrie

His briefs generally involve some aspect of public or criminal law. He is equally comfortable and experienced working alone or as part of a team of lawyers. He has conducted many complex proceedings unled as well as working successfully with many of Australia’s most prominent silks. He has a strong paperwork practice and is regularly …

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Amanda Wynne

Amanda Wynne

Amanda began her working life as a registered nurse and midwife specialising in intensive care/coronary care work and later as a maternal and child health nurse in the community. As a result, Amanda brings a broad life experience to her legal practice. Amanda was admitted to practice in 2001 after completing her articles of clerkship …

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