Competition Law & Consumer Law

Lindy Barrett

Lindy Barrett

Lindy has appeared in the Supreme (including Appeals), County and Magistrates’ Courts in Victoria, as well as the Federal Court, VCAT and various Royal Commissions. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

James Samargis

James Samargis

He provides validity and infringement advice for patent, trademark, design and copyright rights as well as advice on unfair advertising and misleading and deceptive conduct in trade under Australian Consumer Law. James practices mainly in the Federal Court, appearing in infringement of rights actions, seeking or resisting injunctions and other urgent relief and preparation of …

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James Kewley

James Kewley

Trial Counsel James considers himself primarily a trial counsel. In recent years James’ practice has consisted primarily of conducting Supreme Court and Federal Court commercial litigation briefed by both large Melbourne and Sydney firms and smaller legal practices in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. In earlier years, James conducted numerous hearings in the Magistrates’ …

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Gerald Parncutt

Gerald Parncutt

Gerald has particular expertise in the law of guarantees and practices in the following areas: Education: Melbourne: Paris, France: Cambridge, Massachusetts: -Certificate in Mediation (2003) -Certificate in Computer Science for Lawyers (2019-2020)  -Certificate in Financial Analysis & Valuation for Lawyers (2022) Academic:                                …

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Douglas James

Douglas James

Douglas appears in both state and federal jurisdictions at all levels, and has experience dealing in all stages of the litigation process, from opinion and advice work, pleadings, mediation, interlocutory and trial work. Examples of types of cases: Among others, he has appeared or advised in relation to matters such as: contractual disputes, insolvency disputes …

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David Kelsey-Sugg

David Kelsey-Sugg

Some recent matters in which David has been involved include: Superannuation and Insurance Edser v QSuper Board [2021] FCA 1437 (unled, opposed to K F Holyoak and A R Di Stefano) Edser v QSuper Board (Costs) [2022] FCA 233 (unled, opposed to K F Holyoak and A R Di Stefano) Hall v Suncorp Portfolio Services Ltd & Asteron Life and …

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Daniel Cole

Daniel Cole

“You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions”: Naguib Mahfouz “When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, mediate”: [apologies to Al Gore] …

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