Common Law

Anthony O’Donoghue

Anthony O’Donoghue

He specialises in bankruptcy and administrative law, particularly Commonwealth administrative law, including migration law.

Bill Stougiannos

Bill Stougiannos

The majority of appearances currently are in the County Court criminal jurisdiction. Bill’s trial work has involved both prosecution and defence work in fraud, drug, assaults, rape, incest etc. Bill has been involved in a major drug trial of 3 months duration where the principal offender received a life sentence. Bill has also been involved …

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Simon Bobko

Simon Bobko

Prior to coming to the Bar, Simon was associate to her Honour Judge Burchell and earlier to his Honour Judge Woodward and the Commercial Division Judicial Registrars at the County Court of Victoria. He has significant experience in the practical and procedural aspects of conducting commercial matters at the interlocutory, ADR and trial stages of …

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Steven Lowry

Steven Lowry

Steven’s practice is largely focussed on contractual disputes, consumer law, insolvency, property law, and State taxation. Beyond his written commercial advice, Steven provides advice on State taxation matters insofar as they relate to taxes levied on real property, including drawing and settling objections to tax assessments and advising on the tax consequences of property transactions.

Shaun Ryan

Shaun Ryan

His practice is focused on advising and appearing in matters involving insurance law, domestic building, consumer law, property law and general contractual issues. He is regularly retained by large insurers to advise and appear either on his own or as junior counsel in a range of complex insurance matters. From 2003 until 2020 Shaun was …

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Rolf Sorensen

Rolf Sorensen

He also practices in industrial law and administrative law more generally as well as appearing in a range of commercial and criminal matters. Rolf is a reporter for the Victorian Reports and has written Head-Notes for cases involving wide-ranging areas of law, including Statutory Interpretation, Human Rights, Negligence (Workplace, Professional, Etc), Occupational Health&Safety, Accident Compensation, …

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Robert Shepherd

Robert Shepherd

Robert brings to his clients the experience of 34 years of full time practice in the conduct of cases in Courts, Tribunals and in mediation. His pre and post litigation advice and attention to detail in his written work, has resulted in many matters being resolved before and after litigation. He has a busy practice …

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Richard Lawson

Richard Lawson

Richard was married in 1991, has a toy poodle, and plays the piano.

Reiko Okazaki

She regularly appears in civil, criminal and administrative law matters at all levels and in a number of different jurisdictions such as the Magistrates Court, County Court, Supreme Court, Federal Circuit Court, Children’s Court, and VCAT. She advises in matters including insurance claims, professional negligence and contractual disputes, among others. Prior to being called to …

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Ramon Fowler

Ramon Fowler

He accepts briefs from plaintiffs and defendants. He also accepts briefs for criminal law matters. Prior to coming to the Bar, Ramon worked as a solicitor at Maddocks Lawyers and Coulter Roache Lawyers, practising in litigation and property law. He is reading with Matthew Walsh. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

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