Commercial Law

F. John Morgan

F John Morgan

He has experience in all stages of such matters including: giving advice, handling audits, drawing objections, appealing adverse objection decisions and any subsequent Tribunal or Court decisions, negotiations, at all stages, and alternative dispute resolution. John Morgan has practised primarily in revenue and superannuation law since coming to the Victorian Bar in 2004, and for …

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Edward De Zilwa

Edward De Zilwa

In addition to practicing as a barrister, Edward is a nationally Accredited Mediator under the NMAS. When he served as Chief Mining Warden for Victoria, Edward helped parties with assisted dispute resolution and mediation, as needed, and conducted hearings under the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act and on referral from Ministerial delegates. Edward has extensive …

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Douglas James

Douglas James

Douglas appears in both state and federal jurisdictions at all levels, and has experience dealing in all stages of the litigation process, from opinion and advice work, pleadings, mediation, interlocutory and trial work. Examples of types of cases: Among others, he has appeared or advised in relation to matters such as: contractual disputes, insolvency disputes …

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David Kelsey-Sugg

David Kelsey-Sugg

Some recent matters in which David has been involved include: Superannuation and Insurance Edser v QSuper Board [2021] FCA 1437 (unled, opposed to K F Holyoak and A R Di Stefano) Edser v QSuper Board (Costs) [2022] FCA 233 (unled, opposed to K F Holyoak and A R Di Stefano) Hall v Suncorp Portfolio Services Ltd & Asteron Life and …

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David Mence

David Mence

Prior to being called to the Bar, David was an associate at the Supreme Court of Victoria, firstly to Redlich JA in the Court of Appeal and then to Incerti J (formerly Zammit J) in the Trial Division. Before that, David was an academic at the University of Melbourne, where he taught in the Faculty …

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Dave Barton

Dave Barton

David also accepts briefs in criminal and insurance law matters. Before coming to the Victorian Bar, David was a senior investigator at the Victorian Ombudsman and NSW Ombudsman. His high-profile investigations included Operation Prospect (NSW), the Labor “redshirts” matter, public interest disclosures concerning local Councils and a joint investigation with the Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission. …

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Daniel Cole

Daniel Cole

“You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions”: Naguib Mahfouz “When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, mediate”: [apologies to Al Gore] …

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Daniel Dober

Daniel Dober

Prior to coming to the bar, Daniel practised as a solicitor in matters relating to property, employment, and criminal law. He is available to appear in all courts and jurisdictions in Victoria and accepts interstate briefs. Daniel is reading with Rishi Nathwani and his senior mentor is Chris Carr SC.

Chris Triscott

Chris Triscott

1979 – 1984 – Melbourne University – LL.B. / BSC (Computer Science). 1986 – 1989 – Practised as a Solicitor.

Chris Twidale

Chris Twidale

For further information please view Chris’ website. From 15 June 2012, liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

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