Barrister, Accredited Mediator

Jacob Fronistas O.A.M.

B. Sc., LL. B., LL. M.


Jacob has appeared in Criminal matters in the Magistrates’ Court and County Court, including appeals and trial work.


Accredited Mediator
01 April 1981
Signed Bar Roll
24 November 1983
Room 0401
Owen Dixon Chambers East
205 William Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Admitted to Practice

To discuss the availability, suitability and fees of this barrister, please contact Chris Chapman.

Chris Chapman
Chris Chapman
Principal Barristers' Clerk


Accredited Mediator
01 April 1981
Signed Bar Roll
24 November 1983
Room 0401
Owen Dixon Chambers East
205 William Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Admitted to Practice

He has also appeared in the Family Court of Australia in cases involving property, children, child support and other related matters.

He also done numerous Intervention Order cases, including breaches of Intervention Orders.

Jacob has a Physiology major as part of his Science degree and also studied Medical Law and Biomedical Ethics and the Law as part of his Masters Degree. He has acted for Doctors before Medical Services Committees of Inquiry, Medical Services Review Tribunal, Medicare Participation Review Committee and the Supreme Court of Victoria (in relation to Disciplinary matters). Also advised in Medical Negligence matters.

Jacob has appeared at the Victorian Civil & Administrative Tribunal (V.C.A.T.) (Criminal Injuries Compensation, Retail Tenancies, Building Disputes).

Various Licensing authorities and Tribunals involving Licensing and Disciplinary matters. He has also appeared for Solicitors in Disciplinary matters.

In addition to the above, Jacob has been involved in Civil and Commercial Litigation in all jurisdictions.

Jacob has also appeared in numerous matters involving the Taxation of Costs, particularly in the Supreme Court of Victoria.

Jacob has studied Trade Marks and Copyright as part of his Undergraduate Law course and studied Patents as part of his Masters Degree.

He has extensive experience in the operation of nursing homes and hostels (aged care facilities) as he is fluent in English and Modern Greek.

Practice Areas

Commercial Law

Corporations Law & Securities Law
Insurance Law & Professional Negligence Law

Common Law

Intentional Torts
Motor Vehicles & Transport

Equity & Trusts

Family Provision
Wills & Probate

Family Law

Parenting Orders
Property Disputes

Inquests, Inquiries, Tribunals & Commissions

Coronial Inquests
Royal Commissions

Public Law & Administrative Law

Disciplinary Proceedings
Judicial Review
Merits Review

To discuss the availability, suitability and fees of this barrister, please contact Chris Chapman.

Chris Chapman
Chris Chapman
Principal Barristers' Clerk


Previous Occupation
  • 1978 – Graduated B.Sc. Monash University
  • 1980 – Graduated LLB Monash University
  • 1995 – Graduated LLM Monash University
  • Articles of Clerkship with Haines and Polites
Pro Bono Practice

Jacob has been involved in a voluntary capacity with a charitable organization, Fronditha Care Inc. (formerly known as the Australian Greek Society for Care of the Elderly), for approximately 18 years. He currently holds the position of President of this organization.