
Adam Maloney

11 Aug 2009
26 Oct 2017


11 Aug 2009
Signed Bar Roll
26 Oct 2017
Admitted to Practice
Victorian Practising Counsel

To discuss the availability, suitability and fees of this barrister, please contact Chris Chapman.

Chris Chapman
Chris Chapman
Principal Barristers' Clerk


11 Aug 2009
Signed Bar Roll
26 Oct 2017
Admitted to Practice
Victorian Practising Counsel

Adam practices in all areas of criminal law. He also accepts briefs in disciplinary and regulatory matters including matters proceeding before and initiated by public authorities.

Adam is an experienced solicitor advocate who has acted in summary, indictable and appellate matters in the Magistrates’, Children’s and County Court jurisdictions.

Adam regularly appears in Intervention Order applications pursuant to the Family Violence Protection Act and the Personal Safety Intervention Orders Act. He represents Applicants, Respondents and clients charged with contraventions of intervention orders.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Adam worked as a criminal solicitor advocate in the Melbourne, Sunshine and Dandenong Offices of Victoria Legal Aid (VLA).

He has had the opportunity to work in all of VLA’s practice areas, crime, civil (primarily in infringements, mental health and immigration matters), family and children’s law.

Adam has experience working in the specialist Dandenong and Melbourne Drug Courts and working with children in the Criminal Division of the Children’s Court.

Whilst at VLA, Adam conducted evidence and practical legal training for VLA’s in house solicitors as well as community legal education for legal issues relating to children and schools.

Adam was accredited as a specialist in Criminal Law by the Law Institute of Victoria in 2016.

Adam read with Simon Moglia. 

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation. The information referred to above has been supplied by the barrister concerned. Neither Victorian Bar Inc nor the barrister’s clerk have independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information and neither accepts any responsibility in that regard.

Practice Areas

Criminal Law

Domestic Violence
Intervention Orders
Juvenile / Children's Court
Mental Illness

To discuss the availability, suitability and fees of this barrister, please contact Chris Chapman.

Chris Chapman
Chris Chapman
Principal Barristers' Clerk