Welcome to the List – Catherine Jones Williams

News 12 December 2022


Catherine Jones Williams

B Comm (Melbourne University), LLB (Deakin University)

Chapman’s List Barristers is pleased to welcome Catherine Jones Williams to the List as our newest member.

Catherine practices predominantly in the criminal jurisdiction and also accepts briefs to appear in common law, public law, inquests, inquiries and disciplinary proceedings. She has a particular interest in white collar crime, quasi criminal, regulatory matters and class actions. 

Prior to coming to the Bar earlier this year, Catherine has had experience working as a solicitor advocate, a Judge’s associate and in providing long running litigation support to senior counsel in the defence of an ACCC criminal cartel prosecution and a Medicare fraud. Catherine is also a registered chartered accountant, having had 10 years of experience with KPMG in its Corporate Recovery and Management Consulting divisions.

To learn more about Catherine’s expertise and her availability to accept briefs, please contact Chapman’s List Barristers on 9225 7666 or chapmanslist@vicbar.com.au.


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